Senior Project
COMD 402C section 1.
Wednesdays 6pm. Steuben 415

Swan Song
Wednesday, 21 January

Most of you only have a single semester left at Pratt. Having a large scale project, or a series of related smaller projects in your portfolio will show that you have the ability to think through problems that take many weeks to solve.


Communicate New York City experiences


Pick a media that you want to work in (examples: posters, books, motion graphics) and select at least 8 experiences from the guidelines below. Figure out a compelling and memorable way to communicate the experience to someone else. Start with 8 experiences depending on your chosen medium and experiences, we may edit them down from eight. If your concept is straight forward, you will be expected to do all eight.

If you need a client (and you do not necessarily need one), pick a client that would be involved in sponsoring tourism in NYC. Either the city itself, a bus company, an airline, a magazine. Any of these commercial organizations would benefit from communicating why someone would want to tour in NYC.

Picking the Experiences
The experience should be expressed as you seeing New York interpreted through a specific point of view, interest, or aspect of the city. Possible choices are:

  • NYC interpreted through film
  • NYC interpreted through food
  • NYC interpreted through [a specific location]
  • NYC interpreted through architecture
  • NYC interpreted through transportation
  • NYC interpreted through walking
  • NYC interpreted through theater
  • NYC interpreted through water
  • NYC interpreted through bridges
  • NYC interpreted through suburbia
  • NYC interpreted through beaches
  • NYC interpreted through literature


  • January 21 : First class
  • January 28 : Experiences chosen, media chosen, sketches presented
  • February 4 : Refined sketches, working comps, individual meetings
  • February 11: Class presentation. full size comps of all experiences to be presented to your classmates
  • February 18: Individual meetings, showing progress on finals
  • February 25: further progress on finals
  • March 3: Class presentation.
  • Spring Break
  • March 17: Individual meetings, showing progress on final
  • March 24: Finals due

Assignment :: Senior Project

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