Graphic Design
COMD 316 section 3.
Mondays 4pm. Steuben 407

Moonshine Assignments
Monday, 23 February

The following are the assignments for the remainder of the term for Sean, and his client: Moonshine Music.

Vinyl Packaging

Design a packaging system for Moonshine Music’s vinyl offering. One full size packaging comp and smaller cover treatments for all Vinyl records that they sell. Due March 29th.


A series of 3 t-shirts. One for DJ’s, one for fans (ie listeners of Moonshine’s music) and a third targeted to a general electronic music fan base. Due April 19th.

Desktop Pictures

Downloadable desktop pictures that strengthen Moonshine’s brand. 7 of them, one for each day of the week. Due May 3rd.

Assignment :: Graphic Design


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